昭和猥褻官能ドラマ 明日、東京に引越しする憧れていた同級生を呼び出して・・・ 心優しい先生は教え子のお父さんに無理やり・・・
息子の担任がわざわざ家を訪ねてくれた。母親を亡くした息子を日ごろから気にかけてくれる女教師。彼女も夫を病気で亡くしていた。夏祭りの縁日に誘われた父親は・・・。布団の上に仰向けに寝かされ、生徒の父親の肉棒が入ってくる・・・。両手で体を押しのけようとするが、その手を取られ、ギュッと抱きしめられたままピストンを・・・。2話収録。 / 昭和猥褻官能ドラマ 明日、東京に引越しする憧れていた同級生を呼び出して・・・ 心優しい先生は教え子のお父さんに無理やり・・・
Showa obscene drama Tomorrow, calling a classmate who had been moving to Tokyo … The kind teacher is forced to the student’s father …
My son’s homeroom teacher visited my house.A female teacher who always cares about his son who has lost his mother.She also died of her husband.My father was invited to the summer festival.He is laid on his back on the futon, and the student’s father’s cock comes in.She tries to push her body with both hands, but she takes her hand and hugs her.Included 2 episodes./ Showa obscene drama Tomorrow, call a classmate who has been moving to Tokyo … The kind teacher is forced to the student’s dad …