酔いつぶれた友人・・・その妻と 結城みさ
結城家で会社の同僚を集めて軽く飲む事になった。妻のみさは旦那と友人の為に料理を振る舞う。夜も更け、友人がそろそろ帰ろうとしたところを夫が泊まる様に勧めてくる。風呂を借りる事になったのだが、その際にリビングで酔った旦那にフェラをするみさの姿を目撃してしまう。その後何事もなかったかの様に再びみんなで飲み始め、酔った旦那を先に寝かせた後もしばらく飲みの場が続く。シャワーを浴びてパジャマ姿となったみさの姿に友人は興奮し、いきなり抱きつくも妻の方からキスを求めてくる。「私酔っちゃたのかな・・・」 / 酔いつぶれた友人・・・その妻と 結城みさ
I decided to gather a company colleague at the Yuki family and drink lightly.My wife, Misa, serves for her husband and friend.After night, I recommend that my husband is about to stay home.I decided to take a bath, but at that time I witnessed Misa who blows to her drunk husband in the living room.After that, everyone started drinking again as if nothing had happened, and after the drunk husband was laid first, the place to drink continues for a while.The friend gets excited about the appearance of Misa, who became a pajamas in a shower, and suddenly hugged him, but he asked his wife for a kiss."Did you get drunk …" / Drunken friend … that wife and Misa Yuki