






駆け出しグラドル『結乃』ちゃんの個人撮影会に参加!セクシーなポーズ指定にも「こうですか?」と照れながら応え、無防備にもパンチラ。「あの・・・ホントはダメなんです」と言いながらも笑顔でツーショットに応じてくれる神対応に、押しの弱さが垣間見える結乃ちゃん。衣装チェンジの合間に、差し入れに用意したタピオカミルクティーにこっそり媚薬を投入。若干入れすぎた気もするけど、ご愛敬。水着に着替えた結乃ちゃん、タピオカを無邪気に完飲w撮影を続けていると、「なんか・・・熱いですね」と早速媚薬の効果が。徐々に荒くなる呼吸と汗ばむ身体に戸惑いながらもポーズを決める結乃ちゃん。「なんだろう・・・変な感じ・・・」火照った身体をもじもじとくねらせ完全に発情モードw超接写で股間を撮影。ワレメに食い込んだ水着に溢れ出したエッチなシミとぷっくり主張するクリをばっちり激写w「ダメなのに・・・」と自分に言い聞かせるように呟きながらも媚薬に剥き出しにされた本能には抗えず、こっちも撮ってと言わんばかりに水着をずらし乳首を露出wシャッター音すら愛撫と化し1枚写真を撮るたびにピクピクと身体を反応させる敏感っぷり。もはや撮影会どころではなく、自らお尻を割り開いてアナルまで見せつける結乃ちゃんw既に完堕ち状態で従順にチ●コを咥え込み、Fカップおっぱいでパイズリ。挿れる前から散々アクメを繰り返した早漏マ●コにずっぽしハメ。即痙攣絶頂。「ダメ、ダメ、おかしくなっちゃう・・・っ///」と、うわ言のように繰り返しながらも、しっかりクリはお留守にしない結乃ちゃんの右手wイくたびに感度の上がる身体は1度だけでは飽き足らず再び中出し要求。媚薬の効果が切れるまで快楽の限りを貪り尽くす!w / 結乃



Participate in the individual photo session of the gravure “Yuno"!He responded to the sexy pose specification, saying, “Is this?"Yuno -chan has a glimpse of the weakness of the push, saying, “Um … it’s really useless."During the costume change, an aphrodisiac is secretly inserted into the tapioca milk tea prepared for the insert.I feel like I put it in a little too much, but I love you.Yuno -chan, who changed into a swimsuit, and continued to drink tapioca innocently, the effect of the aphrodisiac immediately said, “It’s hot."Yuno -chan decides to pose while being confused by breathing and sweaty body that gradually become rough."What is it … weird …"The naughty spots overflowing in the cracks and the chestnuts that overflowed with the swimsuits and the chestnuts that are plump w “It’s no good …", As soon as you say that you want to take a picture, you can shift the swimsuit, expose the nipple w shutter sound, and it will be caressed, and every time you take one photo, you will be sensitive.Instead of a photo session, Yuno -chan, who opens his buttocks and shows up to his anal, is already obediently sucked in the perfect fall, fucking with F cup boobs.The premature ejaculation Ma ● Ko, who repeatedly repeated acme before insertion, was a fuck.Immediate convulsion climax."No good, no good, it’s crazy …////////////, but the chestnuts are not too far away, but the right hand of Yuno -chan’s right hand w.Then I get tired and request a vaginal cum shot again.Developing the pleasure until the effect of the aphrodisiac expires!w / Yuno
